About Me

When we were assigned this project, I thought OMG what should I write about but I found a way to complete my assignment by writing about anything that can to mind but most of all you can expect a description of artist that I admire or artist I see working really hard or something. While on the side I might talk about hot topics or write about my farewells to high school that pretty much it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My defintion of FRIEND

According to the dictionary the defintion of friend is

1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony
3. a persona member of the same nation, party, etc.
4. who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile

My defintion of a friend is pretty much the same thing. Someone you feel comfortable around, someone in which you can go to for advice, a helping hand, compassion and even just a cool person that you can vibe with. But lets not forget, someone you can trust.

Friends are all good but sometimes if not most, we have to choose our "friends" carefully. I dont know why but its our human nature to treat the offender better than we treat our one true friend that would never intentionally hurt you. Why do we do that?

While choosing my friends I like people who are active and doing positive things with trheir lives. I like when people have goals that they intend to fulfill, I LOVE humor. If you can make me laugh that is great for our friendship. Im the type of person that just goes with the flow, I dont like to fuss and fight and if we do which is good for a relationship, Im the type that would HUG you after all is said and done ask my homies J.A.D.E. (LOL) I dont like people who are negative like always wanna argue or judge people. That stuff gets annoying. I have an ambition and I need people around me that are moving forward.

For my whole life I had people come and go but, I have a good idea of who my true friend are thus far.

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